
How To Freeze and Duplicate Columns in Notion

Freezing columns is one of Notions newest features. Now you can update and filter Notion databases with ease. Another Notion best practice is duplicating columns in Notion, which you will also learn in this blog post.


Chrissy DiBrigida


Notion is a powerful productivity tool that can be used to create a variety of different types of content and hold data. Notion's databases are a great way to stay organized, but they can be difficult to navigate if they have a lot of columns.

The ability to freeze columns is a new Notion database feature and keeps values visible even when you scroll to the right, left, up or down. Duplicating a column creates a copy the columns values that you can use to track changes or create a new table.

In this blog post, we'll show you how to freeze and duplicate columns in Notion. We'll also provide some tips and Notion best practices for using these features effectively.

1: Open your Notion Database
2: Click the “Status” header
3: Click "Freeze up to column"
4: Scroll through database

How To Duplicate Columns In Notion 📚✏️

1: Open your Notion Database
2: Scroll to end of database
3: Click "+" to start a new row
4: Click "Formula"
5: Name your property
6: Click on an empty cell
7: Select the property you want to duplicate
8: Click the "Done" button